Question: Does a gentleman kiss on the first date?

More people are open to kissing on a first date than you might imagine. You dont want to go all in when it comes to the kiss. Instead, give them a polite peck to show them that you had a great time and let them know that you do want to see them again.

Is it bad not to kiss on the first date?

Not kissing you on the first date when you both feel intense chemistry is a great excuse to see each other again. Its like playing hard to get or leaving someone wanting more. Its basically make-out blue balls. So if your chemistry is super intense, its almost best not to kiss on date one.

Is it okay to hold hands on a first date?

Trust. Occasional physical contact is OK -- a hand to the small of the back, a touch of the thigh, a brief holding of the arm while making a point. Do not grab anywhere in the red light zones. If we want your hands there, we will put them there.

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