Question: Does eHarmony create fake profiles?

Scamalytics, a company that collects dating profiles and screens them on behalf of several online dating sites, generally finds that at least 500,000 out of every 3.5 million profiles are scammers. My dating site, eHarmony, uses its own fraud tool and model to identify and remove suspect profiles.

Is it safe to give your phone number on eHarmony?

eHarmony Secure Call is the safe, anonymous and confidential way to talk to your matches over the phone without ever having to reveal your phone number! You can talk to your matches on the phone without you or you matchs phone either of you revealing your phone numbers!

Can I cancel eharmony after one month?

Members get a 14-day cooling-off time on any subscription purchased. During the eharmony cancellation period, you can get a refund or exchange by contacting the eharmony Customer Service Team.

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