Question: What is it called when a manager date an employee?

What is it called when a manager dates an employee?

Fraternization occurs when two people employed by the same company interact socially outside of work and at employer functions. Depending on your companys policy, fraternization can include romantic relations between managers and subordinates and relationships between co-workers.

Why a strong employee/employer relationship is important?

When employees have a strong, healthy relationship with their employers, the entire company benefits. Studies show that employees who have mutually respectful relationships with their employers are more likely to be happy, loyal and productive in the long-run.

Can a manager be a friend?

Managers can (and should) be friendly with their employees. They should make conversation and get to know their team members. But they also need to set boundaries and ensure that the relationship stays professional. No matter how well you get along with employees, at the end of the day, youre still their boss.

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