Question: How do you flirt with Aspie?

How do you get an Aspie to like you?

5 Tips for Loving Someone with Aspergers SyndromeDont put the blame solely on your partner. Your partner isnt solely to blame for your relationship problems. Learn as much as you can about AS. Reframe your partners behavior. Be specific about your needs. Talk about how youd like to connect with each other.17 May 2012

What makes an Aspie happy?

I have found, as an Aspie among neurotypical folks, that having realistic expectations of others is of critical importance in order to be happy. The higher your expectations are of the people around you, the more likely you are to feel let down by them at some point, even when they havent done anything wrong.

Are Aspergers capable of love?

Despite the problems in relationship skills experienced by many people with Aspergers syndrome, some adults can progress along the relationship continuum and are able to experience romantic and subsequently intimate personal relationships, even becoming a lifelong partner.

Do people with Aspergers feel joy?

People with Asperger profiles absolutely do have feelings, although they may have difficulty identifying and discussing them. In fact, many feelings – such as fear, anger and joy – seem to be experienced more intensely by those with Asperger profiles than by average people.

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