Question: What is the best way for seniors to meet?

Where do older people go to meet?

Additional opportunities to meet seniors in your area can be found in senior fitness classes. Private gyms and local YMCAs offer activities specifically for seniors, such as aqua aerobics and senior Zumba classes.

How do senior citizens meet?

Your local senior or community center, as well as churches and volunteer groups, are also excellent places to meet new people who might become friends, Cormier says. Many SilverSneakers friends even plan social events outside of class, like potlucks or outings around town.

How do you make friends after 70?

Here are four ways to make friends once youve retired.Volunteer. Theres no better way to have a positive effect on society—and yourself—than by doing good for others. Join a Club. Become a Mentor. Consider Relocating to an Active Adult Community.1 Aug 2017

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