Question: Is it possible to get a Chinese Kiss?

Did Mulan kiss Shang?

The animated movie also featured a romance between Mulan and Li Shang, but Disney confirmed that Shang is not in the live-action adaptation. Instead, Mulans love interest is Chen Honghui (Yoson An), and in an early cut of the film, the two share a kiss.

There is no criminal law that specifically states that it is illegal for people to have sex in a car. However, if two people are performing a sexual act or engaging in sexual conduct in a car that is in a public area, and within public view, then they may be charged with a crime.

Why is Shang not in Mulan?

Part of the reason director Niki Caro chose to change Shang was because of the unfortunate implications of Mulan getting together with her commanding officer.

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