Question: Do you date an extrovert or an introvert?

Introvert-extrovert relationships can work well, so long as both partners take the time to understand their partners needs. Introverts and extroverts, different as they might be, often end up as romantic partners. Perhaps its a case of opposites attracting; the two personality types balance each other out.

Does an introvert and extrovert make a good couple?

In spite of their differences, introverts and extroverts make great romantic partners. Introverts gain energy and recharge by spending time alone, while extroverts gain energy by surrounding themselves with others.

Can an introvert and extrovert be together?

Having very different social personality types doesnt mean that a relationship is bound to fail. On the contrary, introvert/extrovert relationships can actually be very balanced, as long as each partner makes an effort to truly understand how their S.O. needs to recharge.

Should introvert marry extrovert?

Introverts and extroverts can live and love together in perfect harmony—as long as they understand each other. Keep an open mind, dont take things personally, and be open to communication. Really, its just like any other relationship but with a bit more compromise—it can be done. And it can be great.

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