Question: How do you know a French man likes you?

If he likes you, he will call. Theres no point in wondering how to tell if a French man likes you because if he does and wants to pursue a relationship with you, he will call and text. If he likes you, it means hes going to keep in touch. And often. There are no calling rules or games here when dating a French guy.

What are French guys attracted to?

WHAT FRENCH GUYS FIND ATTRACTIVE ABOUT US..BRIGHT RED LIPSTICK. 50% of the guys surveyed like the way it looks but see “turn-off”.PUSHUP BRA. Only 20% like this. LEATHER SHORTS OR PANTS. 20% say they like this.MOCCASIN BOOTS. Only 20% like this. HEAVY BLACK EYE MAKEUP. SPORTSWEAR. SHORT HAIR. PANTHER LOOK.More items •Nov 24, 2018

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