Question: What is opposite of hubby?

Opposite of a husband or lover. wife. girlfriend. partner. spouse.

What is the another name of wife?

What is another word for wife?helpmatehelpmeetspousemissuspartnerwifeymateconsortmissiswoman83 more rows

What is the opposite of wifey?

What is the opposite of wifey?antagonistenemyfoeopponent

Is it OK to say hubby?

Hubby, other half, basically, tasty and iconic are among an extensive list of words you should not use under any circumstances says the society bible. The magazine has issued a banned-word thesaurus, including words such as pooch and lifestyle.

What is a wifey material?

What is wifey material? As the name might suggest, the phrase “wifey material” is used to describe women who have the qualities of a good wife. Qualities like maturity, financial responsibility, and the willingness to stand by you through difficulties are characteristics of a woman with wifey material traits.

How do you use the word hubby?

Hubby sentence example. All the more reason for hubby to stick around. My smooth talking hubby quickly descended and convinced him that they would behave.

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