Question: Why did Wayne and Angie break up?

At the start of the series, Angie and Wayne have just broken up after five years of dating, starting in high school. It is also revealed that she cheated on him. Its implied she did not like fighting, leading Wayne to stop fighting.

Who was Waynes first girlfriend in Letterkenny?

Magalie Lépine-Blondeau First appearance Marie-Frédérique, whom Wayne and the Hicks call Marie-Fred for short, is a recurring character on Letterkenny in seasons 5 and 6. She is portrayed by Magalie Lépine-Blondeau.

Is Tanis really Native American?

Kaniehtiio Horn, who plays Tanis, is Mohawk, and grew up on the Kahnawake reserve near Montreal.

What did Tanis say to the Skids?

Tanis and the natives make a deal with Stewart and the Skids to sell them cheap cigarettes, a dime a dart, for only for personal consumption. A young native sees them selling them for a dollar (buck a dart) and reports to Tanis theyre fuckin ya.

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