Question: Are Ruben and Bonnie still together 5 guys a week?

I think that we both had a lot of stuff that was going on and and we live quite far away from each other. So we decided to to just stay friends. However, while the experiment may not have worked for her, Bonnie did get her happy ending after years of being single – and is now dating an DJ named Rufus.

Is Aimee and abs still together?

They are still in touch, though. Im really happy with the decision, she said. I definitely think it was a good choice for me.

Are Charlie Puth and Meghan Trainor still friends?

Despite their AMAs performance kiss (uh, live makeout session) that would seem to indicate otherwise, Charlie Puth has been adamant that he and Meghan Trainor are just friends, and that hes “not attracted to her in that way.”

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