Question: Who uses Craigslist the most?

Top Five Cities In order of most visited, the Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York City, Seattle and Chicago sites have seen the most traffic over Alexas three-month data collection period.

What is Craigslist mostly used for?

Craigslist is a website for viewing and posting local advertisements. It works a lot like the Classifieds section of a newspaper, and its completely free to use. You can find a listing for almost anything on Craigslist—jobs, apartments, garage sales, used cars, personal ads, and a whole lot more.

Who uses Craigslist?

Fast forward 20 years from its inception, and Craigslist now has at least 60 million U.S. users and 50 billion page views every month, as well as 50 million daily queries. 4. Each month, users post more than 100 million individual classified ads, of which 2 million are job listings.

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