Question: How much electricity does a swamp cooler use?

The swamp cooler requires far less electricity thereby saving money. For example, if electricity costs $0.15 per Kwh (Kilowatts per hour), it takes $1.13 per hour to operate an A/C system. Its only $0.26 per hour to run the cooler.

Do swamp coolers waste a lot of electricity?

Swamp coolers are a more energy-efficient means of cooling your home. They use roughly 15 to 35 percent of the electricity needed by an air conditioner of the same size and require no chemicals. They do, however, require a constant supply of water. In areas of drought or water restriction, they may be less efficient.

How much power does a swamp cooler use?

Overall, the national average is two gallons per kWh of electricity consumed. The evaporative cooler runs on 450 watts; a three ton conventional unit uses ten times that, consuming running at 4500 watts, or about 4 kWh every hour more if running constantly.

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