Question: Is it good to meet people in Turkey?

Are Turkish people allowed to date?

“Dating” (in the Western sense of the word) is not common in Turkey outside of universities or large urban areas. There is a strong social expectation that unmarried people from opposite genders should not show interest or affection towards one another alone in public.

Is Turkey friendly to tourists?

As a rule, Turkey is safe for tourism. The country remains one of the most popular destinations around the globe. The countrys most popular tourist destinations, including Antalya, Cappadocia, and Istanbul, are generally safe. Nevertheless, travelers still need to remain vigilant.

Do Turkish people speak English?

Will it be hard to get by with only English? Turkish is the official language of Turkey and English is widely spoken in Istanbul; visitors are often surprised by the relatively high level of English spoken by most Turks. An attempt to use Turkish is very much appreciated and considered good manners, though.

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