Question: What is the difference between a plumbed and non plumbed fridge?

If youre considering buying an American Fridge freezer with a built-in ice/water dispenser then youll want to check whether its a plumbed-in or non-plumbed model. Non plumbed fridges can be positioned anywhere, however a plumbed-in model needs to be within 1.5 meters of a water source.

What does non plumbed fridge mean?

With a non-plumbed fridge freezer, the water dispenses from a storage tank inside the fridge itself. The storage or water tank usually lives on the inside of the fridge door above the dispenser. It is also sometimes located in the fridge to one side on a shelf.

Can you plumb in a non plumbed fridge?

Can you use a plumbed in fridge freezer without plumbing it in? 1 Answer. In general, plumbing water to a fridge is only required in order to use the ice maker and water dispensing features. You can use it as a fridge with just electricity connected.

Do you have to plumb in American fridge freezers?

Chilled, filtered water and instant ice are tempting features of American fridge freezers, but most models have to be plumbed into the mains water supply. This will affect where you can put it in your kitchen and can make them expensive to install.

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