Question: Can a cancer person be in a Aries relationship?

The Aries woman and Cancer man relationship compatibility is filled with a lot of love, energy and zeal. If both the zodiac signs give each other the freedom, love, loyalty and devotion that each yearns for, this compatibility of Cancer man and Aries woman will be sufficient to hold this love couple together.

Are Cancer and Aries compatible relationship?

Despite their share of challenges, Aries and Cancer have unending potential for lasting love as long as theyre willing to put their fears aside and open up. These two signs are goal-oriented and have the passion and flow to keep each other hooked for eternity and beyond, DeFranco says.

Why are cancers always attracted to Aries?

These three signs are naturally drawn to Aries, for a variety of reasons. According to Barretta, Cancers want to feel protected, so they feel a pull towards this take-control sign. Cancer also likes the fact Aries pulls them out of their shell, and encourages them to try new things.

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