Question: What are Capricorns attracted to?

As a fellow earth sign, Capricorns also often find themselves attracted to Taurus, and theyll support them at all costs, Barretta says. This sign likes to create a stable life for themselves, which Taurus truly appreciates.

What sign is Capricorn attracted to?

Though Capricorns are compatible with Taurus, Virgo, and Cancer, Scorpio makes for a perfect spouse. Earth signs are generally attracted to Water signs, as they balance one another. Scorpio and Capricorn make each other feel secure and safe, and constantly captivated.

What is a Capricorns weakness?

Capricorns weaknesses include the fact that they can become irritable and fussy. They also hold grudges, are moody, and can act short-tempered. They have a hard time going through change, especially if its something theyve grown accustomed to.

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