Question: How do you make a Libra man obsessed with you?

How do I keep my Libra man interested?

If you want to attract a Libra, have a sense of independence.Express your opinions freely. Let a Libra man know how you feel about things like politics, art, music, and so on.Avoid being too clingy or reliant on a Libra man. Make plans without him on occasion and do not bombard him with phone calls and text messages.

What does a Libra man do when hes in love?

Libra men are romantic, and when they fall in love, they fall hard. He might be willing to talk or meet you at short notice, or you notice him answering your calls and texts immediately, even if youre texting late at odd hours. As a Libra in love, he lives for the moments where he gets to be with you or talk to you.

Do Libra miss their exes?

Libras love being in love. But dont think for one second that Libras dont care about their exes. In fact, out of all the signs in the zodiac, Libra is the one most likely to regret breaking up with a partner. The scales represent them, so theyre notoriously indecisive.

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