Question: What is the purpose of SMS texting?

SMS messaging was also created to serve as a means of informal communication between individuals. With text messaging, you can quickly send a message to one of your friends without having to worry about the formality of other means of communication.

What is the purpose of the SMS?

SMS (Short Message Service) is a text messaging service component of most telephone, Internet, and mobile device systems. It uses standardized communication protocols that let mobile devices exchange short text messages. An intermediary service can facilitate a text-to-voice conversion to be sent to landlines.

What is SMS and how does it work?

When you send an SMS message, the message gets transmitted from the sending device to the nearest cell tower. That cell tower passes the message to an SMS center (SMSC). Then the SMSC forwards the SMS message to a cell tower near the receiving device. Lastly, that tower sends the message to the recipients device.

Why is SMS expensive?

SMS fees are pure profit for the cellular carriers. Theyre basically free for carriers to send, but they can often cost ten cents or more per message. It costs more to send a text message on Earth than it does to transmit data from Mars.

Do you get charged for sending Emojis in a text?

Its a little known fact that, depending on your handset and network, adding an emoji – a picture icon such as a smiley or a sad face – to a text message, or sending a text to an email address, can result in you being charged as much as 40p a time.

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