Question: Where should I not stay in Sacramento?

What areas in Sacramento are bad?

Police beat 3 includes downtown, Midtown, the River District, and Boulevard Park. Beat 3B has the highest rate of violent crime and includes Midtown, one of the most dangerous areas of Sacramento. Midtown is home to 6,500 people with 229% more crime than the Sacramento average.

What part of Sacramento is not safe?

Property Crime: 1,934 Youre not alone in this. But, according to the most recent statistics provided by Areavibes, the most dangerous neighborhood in Sacramento is Parker Homes. This small housing complex has a jaw-dropping violent crime rate thats 1,146 percent above the national average.

Is Sacramento a safe place to stay?

In general the city of Sacramento is quite safe. There are Sheraton Grand, Hyatt Regency and Marriotts Residence Inn in downtown/midtown (next to Convention Center). Embassy Suite is next to the river.

Where do the rich live in Sacramento?

The Richest Neighborhoods In Sacramento For 2021Westlake.Valleyview Acres.Village 14.River Park.East Sacramento.Natomas Park.Village 7.Land Park.More items

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