Question: Does the green dot on Tinder mean they are online?

In the app, green dots appear will next to the names of potential matches whove been online in the last 24 hours. For Tinder Gold and Platinum subscribers, you may notice these dots in your Likes You grid.

Can someone tell if you are online on tinder?

How to tell if someone is active and using Tinder. There is no way Tinder can see your location always. Tinder will update your location and check for matches around you only when you open the app and start swiping. In short, if a persons location changes, they have been on the app.

What counts as being active on tinder?

This includes new matches, photos, new bio description, added school or work, and even Spotify changes. You can see the most recent updates first, so you can be sure that the profiles you see in the top positions have been active recently as they edited their profile.

How do you know if someone is active on tinder?

Now, theres no way to creep on the app and find out exactly when someone was last on, except in one case. Tinder does have a green dot feature that shows you that a user was “Recently Active” on the app — swiping, chatting, refreshing the profile, you name it — in the last 24 hours.

What are the green dots on Tinder?

In the app, green dots appear will next to the names of potential matches whove been online in the last 24 hours. For Tinder Gold and Platinum subscribers, you may notice these dots in your Likes You grid.

What is the new green dot on Tinder?

Tinder introduced the green dot as a way of demonstrating if a user has been recently active or not. If the user has a green dot next to their name, it means they have been online and active in the last 24 hours.

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