Question: Are there any free dating sites in Nederland? – This is a good quality and free dating site in the Netherlands that makes you available for the English speaking singles. If you want a serious relationship, the website is ideal for you. Register for free at the site that keep the safety and security of its users at the top.

Are the Dutch the tallest race?

A study has confirmed what we all could have guessed: Dutch children and teenagers are the tallest in the world. At 1.60 metres, the men are ten centimetres shorter than the average Dutch woman. Meanwhile, the shortest women in the world are in Guatemala, at just 1.50 metres.

What is it like dating a Dutch guy?

When it comes to dating, the Dutch like to keep things casual and let things progress naturally. And just like anything else in life, they prefer to approach their romantic pursuits with a sense of practicality. This is an important thing to remember if you are an expat looking to date a local man or woman.

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