Question: How can I find German men to date?

How do I meet new people in Germany?

9 Ways To Make Friends In GermanyMeet People At Work. If you are employed, work is a great place to start making friends. Join Facebook Groups. Sign Up For Meetup. Join A Stammtisch. Meet Your Neighbors. Join A Verein. Take A Course At Your Local Volkshochschule. Take Lessons To Learn A New Skill.More items

Why do men stand to pee?

Physicists have found that peeing standing up significantly increases the velocity of the stream and potential for backsplash, amounting to less hygienic, more bacteria-filled bathrooms. So if dads are not going to pee sitting down for their prostates, than they can do it for their partners.

Is Freund a masculine?

There are two different words for friend in German: Freund is masculine and Freundin is feminine. When talking about more than one female friend, use the plural Freundinnen.

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