Question: Can a 15 year old date a 17 year old?

People of any age can date each other. If either of them are under age their parents have to agree to the dating. It is never illegal to date with parental approval. However, each state has their own rules about sex and intercourse so as long as there is

Is 15 and 17 a big age difference?

Is 15 and 17 an acceptable age difference for dating? Two years age difference is negligible by most measurements. The trick is about the sex factor, and the fact that minors are protected by law, and with good reason.

Is a 15 year old and a 17 year old dating bad?

The critical law to understanding the gravity of the danger is to understand that a person under 18, under California law, cannot legally consent to sexual conduct (Penal Code § 261.5(a) (defining minor)). “Dating” can certainly imply sexual contact, which is illegal between a fifteen-year-old and an eighteen-year-old.

What dating age gap is OK?

According to the rule, you divide your age by two and then add seven to calculate the socially acceptable minimum age for a partner. For example, if youre 32, you can date someone as young as 23 while remaining in the realm of socially acceptable, according to the calculation.

Is 4 years a big age gap for dating?

Studies show that the 4-5 year age gap provides the most stable relationship. Gaps more than 8 to 10 years show higher disillusionment, quarrels and disturbed interpersonal relationships, leading to separation and divorce Bigger age gaps might have worked well for some, but cannot generalise.

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