Question: Is there a website for penpals?

Penpals Now is another awesome free site. This site allows you to post your information so that others can find you. If you dont want to post your information publicly, you can choose to search through their engine for someone who matches what you are looking for.

Are online penpals safe?

You now know that the number one golden rule is that you should never send any money to a pen pal or to someone you have met online to avoid being scammed. You are more than likely to be ghosted by a great many people that you try to start a pen-pal friendship with than come to harm from a pen pal.

How do I find a penpal to write letters to?

Here are ten websites you can join to find your pen pal:InterPals.Global Penfriends.Conversation Exchange.HelloTalk.PenpalsNow.Penpal Party.My Language Exchange.Polyglot Club.More items

Are pen pals expensive?

Yes, the things you send will be one expense, but dont forget to consider the cost of postage. Having a penpal can be very costly.

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