Question: Why do tourists visit Davao?

Perhaps one of the top reasons to visit Davao is their food. Famously called as the “Fruit Basket of the Philippines”, Davao, being rich in fertile soil and having good weather all year long, is one of the worlds leading producers and exporters of fruits like Mangosteen, Durian, Pomelo, Banana, Mango and many more.

Is Davao safe for tourists?

How Safe Is Davao City Really? Although the Philippine people are known as friendly and welcoming, you should keep in mind that although this country is mostly safe, its known to be a target for terrorists and that many countries advise against traveling there. As for other types of crime, Davao is mostly safe.

What is the primary fruit of Davao?

Banana, mango, jackfruit, papaya and pomelo were the most produce fruits in Davao Oriental for two years. Davao City had banana, durian, pineapple, pomelo and mango as the top 5 most harvested crops. In Davao Occidental, banana, mango, papaya, durian and pomelo were the consistent crops in 2019.

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