Question: What religion is most common in Fiji?

Religiously, Fiji is a mixed society with most people being Christian (64.4% of the population), with a sizable Hindu (27.9%) and Muslim (6.3%) minority, according to the 2007 census.

What percentage of Fiji is Hindu?

37 percent Most Indian Fijians, who account for 37 percent of the total population, are Hindu, while an estimated 20 percent are Muslim and 6 percent Christian.

Is Fiji a Catholic country?

There are approximately 80,000 Catholics in Fiji, just under 10% of the total population. The present leader of the Catholic Church in Fiji is Archbishop Peter Loy Chong.

What was the first religion in Fiji?

Christianity in Fiji The religion was first introduced in Fiji by the Tongans, who were more receptive to the Europeans than Fijis indigenous population.

Is Guyana a Hindu?

There are about 550,000 Hindus in South America, chiefly the descendants of Indian indentured labourers in Guyana. There are about 270,000 Hindus in Guyana, 150,000 in Suriname, and some others in French Guiana. In Guyana, Hindus form 35% of the population.

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