Question: Should you date someone with HSV-1?

Having the herpes virus does not mean that your dating life is over. There is no reason you cannot continue meeting and dating people, as long as youre willing to be open and honest with them about your diagnosis.

Should I not date someone with HSV-1?

Its best to avoid sex during herpes outbreaks, as this is when the virus is most likely to spread to other people. Take your HSV-1 or HSV-2 transmission risk seriously. Even with the tactics listed above, theres still some risk of you transmitting herpes to your partner.

Should I tell my partner if I have HSV-1?

If you need to tell a romantic and potential sexual partner that you have herpes, its essential that you do this before you have any sexual contact. Herpes can spread easily, and theres a real risk of transmission even if you arent experiencing an outbreak.

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