Question: What signs are Virgo woman attracted to?

High Virgo Compatibility: Scorpio, Capricorn, Taurus, Cancer. The list of star signs that can make a good match isnt short for Virgo. Because theyre caring, they tend to be good partners for everyone. But there are a few signs theyre most compatible with, which are Scorpio, Capricorn, Taurus, and Cancer.

What is a Virgo womans best match?

For fun and growth, the best matches for a Virgo woman are Capricorn and Pisces. Remember earlier when I said Virgo women are always preparing for an earthquake? A Capricorn is exactly the type of stable planner that a Virgo woman can appreciate. Together, the two will develop plans for a better tomorrow.

What are Virgos most attracted too?

Virgos tend to attract those who have a bit of a bird with the broken wing syndrome, but this doesnt phase them. They like nothing better than pointing out where their partner can improve. According to Monahan, Virgos come off as capable people, so it can feel very comfortable being in their presence.

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