Question: Why is Nikolaev the city of brides in Ukraine?

Right since time memorial, Russian women were known for their beauty. The chance to get to see the most beautiful women in the world is the primary reason why people visit Nikolaev, Ukraine. There are other beautiful places to see in this place.

Why is Nikolaev called city of Brides?

In the southern part of Ukraine, within the confluence of two streams Ingul and Southern Pest is the beautiful southern associated with Nikolayev. In those our childhood within the chapel holds mass wedding ceremony coming from all pairs as well, and the community got the name – “City of Brides”.

What is the city of Brides?

Ivanovo, 300 miles east of Moscow, is known as the city of brides. Once a major textile center, the city attracted women and girls seeking work. Many of the factories now are closed, but the title city of brides has not gone away. Elena, 22, works at a garment factory.

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