Question: Why are Sagittarius and Cancer in compatible?

Who are Sagittarius most compatible with?

The signs most compatible with Sagittarius are fellow fire signs Aries and Leo, and air signs Libra and Aquarius. If you want to impress a Sagittarius, do something that expands their horizons. Sagittarians seek truth, knowledge, and new experiences, so teach or show them something new.

Who is Cancer compatible with?

The signs most compatible with Cancer are fellow water signs Scorpio and Pisces, as well as earth signs Taurus and Virgo. Cancers love to be comfortable and appreciate privacy, so if youre looking to impress one, plan your dates in cozy, intimate spaces that arent too loud or hectic.

Why is Sagittarius so attractive?

Sag is one of the most freedom-loving signs that need extra space, which is very attractive for those who value autonomy in relationships. This makes Sagittarius signs the “soul and truth-seekers of the zodiac.” They tend to view relationships as a way to get answers to lifes deeper mysteries.

What is the perfect job for a Sagittarius?

1. Architect. Sagittarians often have a flair for imagination and creative skills, so they are well suited to design-based job roles such as architecture. Working in this industry will allow Sagittarians to discover and explore ancient and modern architectural styles and seek influences for their work.

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