Question: How Nadi Dosha can be removed?

Donating gold, clothes, food, and grains to poor or needy people is an effective Nadi Dosha solution. A cow and Swarna-Nadi should be donated to one or more Brahmin families. One may also donate food equal to ones weight on the birthday to alleviate the bad effects of Nadi Dosha on marriage.

Is there any pooja for Nadi dosh?

Nadi Dosh Nivaran Pooja should ideally be performed before marriage, instead of getting it performed after marriage. The best time to get this Pooja performed is 15 to 30 days prior to the day of marriage. Coming back to the procedure for Nadi Dosh Nivaran Pooja, the head Pandit takes Sankalp on behalf of the couple.

What is the effect of Nadi Dosha?

Thus Nadi dosh can prove to be very dangerous if not tackled well. The most severe effect of Nadi dosh falls on the prosperity of the married life of the couple. One of the most basic effects could be their health. Other ill-effects include disputes and fights, and the absence of love or attraction between the two.

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