Question: Can freshmen be an RA?

RAs, or Resident Assistants, are the people who live on the floor with the residents and act as kind of the parent of the floor. Now, you cant RA as a freshman student.

Is an RA a student?

A resident assistant or resident advisor, is live-in position held by students. Generally, the goal of an RA is to create a safe and comfortable environment for the residents of a dorm. After being selected for the job youll also usually have to attend training, which can be fairly intensive depending on the school.

How do you qualify to be an RA?

Earn at least 40 undergraduate credits. To become an RA, you must first earn at least 40 undergraduate credits at your chosen university or college. Many RAs start off as first year undergraduate students and then apply for the position for the second year of their degree.

Does being an RA look good on a resume?

If youre looking for ways to demonstrate your leadership skills, being an RA looks great on a resume. And you can always use some of your experiences to demonstrate your practical experience in a job interview. The hours can be great.

Do RAs get paid?

Q: “What is the pay scale like?” A: All RAs are paid $2310 for the academic year. If RAs work any additional desk hours over the required 5 a week, the RA will be paid minimum wage for those hours, which is $7.25.

Is being an RA considered employment?

are generally considered employees under the Act. Although there have been recent challenges to the classification of RAs as non-employees, the DOLs interpretation has not yet been overturned. So, provided the RAs are in school, they are likely not employees for federal minimum wage purposes.

Does being an RA affect financial aid?

Becoming an RA does not change your EFC. Since the cost of attendance changes and your EFC stays the same, the amount of your financial need and aid package will change. Since costs are lower but your EFC remains the same, your aid package will be reduced.

Can an RA look through your stuff?

They can and do observe anything in open drawers and closets and in plain view. There are times when an RA can enter and even search unannounced. The only time a container is searched without explicit consent is during announced safety inspections and at every closing of the semester or year.

Is an RA a full time job?

Resident Assistants are full-time students who live in the residential communities and provide leadership to the community. Resident Assistants are responsible for facilitating Trojan Talks and social/educational community meetings, connecting students with campus resources, and enforcing residence halls policies.

Are Ras allowed to search your room?

They can and do observe anything in open drawers and closets and in plain view. There are times when an RA can enter and even search unannounced. The only time a container is searched without explicit consent is during announced safety inspections and at every closing of the semester or year.

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