Question: Does Tinder work in Pakistan?

Tinder, Grindr and three other dating apps have been banned in Pakistan for disseminating immoral content. Extra-marital relationships and homosexuality are illegal in Pakistan, the second largest Muslim-majority country in the world.

Is Tinder blocked in Pakistan?

Tinder, Grindr and three other dating apps have been banned in Pakistan for disseminating immoral content. A Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) spokesman told BBC Urdu that as a consequence, the decision had been made to bring the management of these platforms into a moral and legal realm.

Which countries have banned Tinder?

In September 2020, Pakistan announced that it would ban five dating apps, including Tinder; this is because Pakistans government believes that apps are providing immoral/indecent content to users who do not comply with their local laws.

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