Question: How do I know if my grandfather clock is antique?

This can be found printed or engraved at the centre or edge of the face or stamped on the movements backplate. This is sometimes accompanied by a serial number on the back of the dial that can give a very accurate date and place of origin.

How can you tell how old a grandfather clock is?

Grandfather clocks can be from the early 18th century to the 21st century. You can determine the date of some clocks within a year of their manufacture from the serial number on the dial by their maker; clocks from unrecognized makers will need to be dated by an expert.

What are old grandfather clocks worth?

The mid range clocks are selling or the asking price is around $250-350 and the higher range closes start at $600-5000. Most clocks like this and the one you have sell for around $350.

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