Question: Is Philippines poorer than India?

Philippines has a GDP per capita of $8,400 as of 2017, while in India, the GDP per capita is $7,200 as of 2017.

Why is India better than Philippines?

One of the reasons why companies prefer the Philippines over India is due to its treasure trove of highly-educated manpower. In fact, according to the United Nations Development Programme, the Filipino workforce has an impressive literacy rate of 93.4%, whereas the Indians only achieved a rate of 61%.

Is India more poor than Philippines?

They are both still relatively poor, meaning there is a lot of potential for catch up,” says Kuijs. Indeed, Indias per capita GDP is close to one-fourth that of Chinas, while the Philippines per capita GDP is close to one-third of Chinas—see table .India And The Philippines Will Beat China Over The Next Decade.CountryGDPPer Capita GDPChina$13608.15 billion$77552 more rows•Aug 31, 2019

Is Philippines one of the poor country?

As of 2018, a quarter of the 105 million Philippine population lived in poverty, that is, over 26 million people. Of those who live in poverty, in 2012, 18.4 million people accounted for extreme poverty, living with about $1.25 per day.

Is India better than the Philippines?

India is ranked higher than 47.37% and Indonesia 45.45%. The Philippines also performs better than India and Indonesia on regulatory quality and control of corruption. But Indonesia is ranked ahead on political stability, and India on rule of law and accountability.

Is India is a safe country?

India can be a safe country as long as all precautions are taken to avoid any inconvenience. Nevertheless, we must be honest and tell you that although India has many attractive places to discover, the security of the city is not 100% safe. In fact, during the last years, criminality against tourists has increased.

Is the Philippines a good place to live?

Compared to somewhere like Europe, the Philippines is a very affordable place to call home. The cost of living in the Philippines can pretty much be what you want to make it. Theres no shortage of budget-friendly options, but you can also enjoy a little more luxury for a relatively reasonable amount.

Who is richest country in Asia?

Singapore List of Asian countries by GDP (PPP) per capitaAsian rankWorld rankCountry12Singapore24Qatar35Macau49Brunei46 more rows

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