Question: How do I access my Match account?

Find Answers : Match. If you would like to see the way your profile appears to others, its easy to do. Simply hover over your photo thumbnail in the top navigation bard and click on, “me.” Then, click the View tab next to My Profile.

Why is my account blocked by match?

When you sign up to use, you agree to follow the terms of use stated by If you break the terms of use of, you will receive a block on your account. If has made a mistake or you have an explanation for your actions, they may take the block off of the account.

How do I reactivate my suspended match account?

Click Suspend my account under Help to the left of the page. Then click Suspend my account to confirm. Well send you an email to confirm. You can reactivate your account any time by clicking on the link in this email, or just logging into Match.

Why is my Match account suspended?

Suspending a profile means that you no longer receive alerts from the site and are not visible to other members. It is more suited to members who wish to take an extended break from dating - perhaps because they have met someone on the site and want to see how things go before cancelling their subscription.

Why cant I see my likes on match?

They have deleted or suspended their profile. You have blocked them, or they have blocked you. Your safety is our top priority, and its possible we deleted their profile because they broke our rules. If this has happened, well display a message to let you know.

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