Question: Who is the better parent mom or dad?

A study of 18,000 people shows that fathers experience more well-being from parenthood than mothers. Past studies have considered whether people with children have greater well-being than people without children. They do.

Who is more strict mom or dad?

A new survey asked 2,000 people with kids, and found that Moms tend to be the stricter parent! 41% said Mom is the strict one in their family, compared to 30% who said Dad is. The study found that Dads tend to be more strict about bad behavior, and tend to dish out the punishments.

Are fathers better parents?

A study of 18,000 people shows that fathers experience more well-being from parenthood than mothers. Past studies have considered whether people with children have greater well-being than people without children.

Are fathers more fun than mothers?

Fathers tend to spend more of their time with children in leisure activities like watching TV, whereas mothers time with children is more often spent doing tasks like serving dinner, grocery shopping, or ensuring they get to soccer on time.

How does a mom feel?

Becoming a mother makes you feel joyful, elated, empowered, and invincible. Youve just pushed another human being out of your body, and youre unprepared for all the things that come so quickly. While youre in the hospital, youve got plenty of help, but when you go home, its all up to you.

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