Question: How long does a man with erectile dysfunction last?

Erectile dysfunction can often improve with proper treatment. A 2014 study following 810 men found that 29 percent of the men with erectile dysfunction had improved symptoms after 5 years.

How long do erectile dysfunctions last?

In many cases, yes, erectile dysfunction can be reversed. A study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine found a remission rate of 29 percent after 5 years. It is important to note that even when ED cannot be cured, the right treatment can reduce or eliminate symptoms.

Are erectile dysfunction permanent?

So erectile dysfunction can be cured, but it depends on the cause. Some causes of ED are easier to “cure” than others. But, with the right diagnosis, support, and treatment, its possible for ED to go away without the need for ED medications like Viagra (sildenafil) or Cialis (Tadalafil).

What drinks help you get hard?

Caffeine has been shown to improve blood flow and relax the muscles that help you get and keep an erection. Try to keep it to black coffee, unsweetened tea, and caffeinated drinks without sweeteners.

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