Question: Do you have to disclose HIV in Australia?

There is no longer a legal requirement in any Australian state or territory to disclose HIV positive status before sex, provided the individual takes reasonable precautions to prevent HIV transmission.

Do you legally have to disclose HIV?

In 21 states, laws require people with HIV who are aware of their status to disclose their status to sex partners, and 12 states require disclosure to needle-sharing partners. The maximum sentence length for violating an HIV-specific statute is also a matter of state law.

Is it a crime not to disclose HIV?

Under the criminal law, a person with HIV is criminally liable for prosecution if they have intentionally transmitted the virus to their partner without informing them of their status.

Do doctors have to disclose HIV status?

No. The law does not require that you tell health care providers your HIV or AIDS status. You may want to tell your doctor or dentist however, so he or she can provide you with better medical care.

Do you have to tell people youre undetectable?

Having an undetectable viral load and continuing to stay on medication means you are not putting your partner(s) at risk. There is no moral imperative to disclose when you are not putting your partner at risk.

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