Question: How do I get a free month of match com?

Start your free membership today. To sign up and become a member at, click get freebie, fill in the short form, complete the questionnaire and background information and start searching for your perfect someone! claim that they start more relationships and marriages than any other dating site.

How do I get a free trial on match com?

You can sign up for a three-day free trial to view photos of single people near you.Enter your zip code in the provided tab.Click on View Photos.Choose your preference from the drop-down menu.Click on the Continue button.Enter your email address.Click on Continue.Type in your password.Enter your birthday.More items

Can you get your money back from Match?

Does Give Refunds? states that they will only refund their customers if the user dies or they become disabled before the end of their subscription. To request a refund from Match, you need to make sure that you havent violated any of the companys Terms and Conditions.

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