Question: What are some typical trivia questions?

What are good questions for a quiz?

My 40 great example questions for hosting your first quizHow many time zones are there in Russia? ( Whats the national flower of Japan? ( How many stripes are there on the US flag? ( Whats the national animal of Australia? ( How many days does it take for the Earth to orbit the Sun? (More items •Jun 1, 2021

What are good trivia categories?

The Best Fun Trivia Categories For Your Next Family Quiz NightEveryday Science Trivia.Maths Trivia.Nature Around Us Trivia.Sports Trivia.Seasons Trivia.Movies Trivia.Music Trivia.Games Trivia.More items

What are good geography questions?

1) What is Earths largest continent? 2) What razor-thin country accounts for more than half of the western coastline of South America? 3) What river runs through Baghdad? 4) What country has the most natural lakes? 5) What is the only sea without any coasts? 6) What percentage of the River Nile is located in Egypt?More items

Lets take a look at the ten most common trivia questions you should know going into any trivia show.National Anthem. El Nino. Castles. Casablanca. Keyboard. Coffee Time. Artichoke. European Union Flag.More items •Aug 30, 2015

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