Question: Should I use my real name on Kik?

User Name: A Kik user needs to know another Kik users username to chat with them, they cant be found using their real name. It is recommended that the user name be a combo of letters and numbers and not easy to guess, to try to eliminate the possibility of someone guessing your name at random to chat with you.

Is your name visible on Kik?

On the Settings page, tap Your Account, after which you will be able to see your Kik Username and your name. 3. Tap Name to change your display name. You wont be able to change your Kik username that is why you have to make careful consideration what username to use when you create a Kik account.

Can you use Kik anonymously?

You can also take part in anonymous chats or promoted chats sponsored by popular entertainment brands. Kik is available on iOS, Android, and Amazons Kindle Fire, making it compatible with a majority of devices. Once downloaded, you only need to provide an email to register your account and select a user ID.

Can they trace you on Kik?

Kik does not track the content of messages or the phone numbers of users, making it difficult for police to find identifying information in child pornography cases.

Does Kik give you a phone number?

With only a username as an ID, Kik lets you exchange messages, photos, videos, sketches, stickers, mobile webpages, emoji, and other content with others on the platform. They cant see your email address, phone number, or birthday, though within a Kik group, everyone can see your username.

Does Kik know my phone number?

With a username instead of a phone number, you dont automatically share personal information with others — your chat companions on Kik can only see your display name, username, and profile picture. They cant see your email address, phone number, or birthday, though within a Kik group, everyone can see your username.

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