Question: Is having a colostomy a disability?

Although these patients must use a colostomy, the SSA does not consider an uncomplicated colostomy to be a disability, because most people with a colostomy can continue their normal activities once they have healed from surgery.

Is having a colostomy bag classed as a disability?

For those of us with a stoma and underlying medical conditions then PIP (Personal Independence Payment) may well be a thing that you may be able to claim. For those who arent aware, PIP is a disability benefit that can be claimed even if you work. It is a benefit that is not means-tested.

Can you live a normal life with a colostomy?

Some are, but others can also be temporary and removed. These usually take a period of about three months to heal fully, and sometimes require surgery (a reversal) to fully close the colon. Fun fact number two: you can live a full and happy life with a colostomy bag.

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