Question: What does * 228 do on a cell phone?

*228 is the code for updating the PRL or Preferred Roaming List and to activate devices. Few Verizon users have reported issues with the *228 code. The most common complaints regarding the *228 code have been about not being able to dial the code from a particular device.

How do I update my Verizon iPhone signal?

Manually update your carrier settings on your iPhone or iPadMake sure that your device is connected to Wi-Fi or a cellular network.Tap Settings > General > About.Follow the onscreen instructions to install your carrier update.2 Jun 2021

How do I update my phone signal?

How do I update Signal Android? Find the latest version by visiting on your phone or going directly to the Signal store page for your Android phone. If a new version is available to you on your phone, you will see the option to update. Select update and open Signal.

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