Question: What is the cheapest way to run a hot tub?

How do you reduce the cost of running a hot tub?

How to Keep Hot Tub Running Costs DownPick a well-made hot tub. Use a quality hot tub cover thats in good condition. Use a hot tub gazebo or building. Set up a wind block. Turning off hot tub accessories. When youre going away, use holiday mode. Change your filters regularly. Conserve water.More items •Jul 6, 2017

Should I leave my hot tub jets on all the time?

Since your hot tub pump circulates the warm water as well as the sanitizer, a general rule is to follow manufacturer recommendations or leave the pump on for a minimum of eight hours per day. Making sure your hot tub is ready when you are is the ultimate in relaxation—let your hot tub pump do its thing, then soak away.

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