Question: What is Mar del Plata known for?

Mar del Plata is famous for its luxurious casino, one of the largest in the world. After tourism, the chief economic activities are building construction, textiles, and commercial fishing and canning. The National University of Mar del Plata (1961) is located in the city.

Why is it called Mar del Plata?

The name Mar del Plata is a shortening of Mar del Rio de la Plata, and has the meaning of sea of the Rio de la Plata basin or adjoining sea to the (River) Plate region. Mar del Plata is one of the major fishing ports and the biggest seaside beach resort in Argentina.

How do they dress in Argentina?

Like in Spain, Argentines tend to dress up more than the average American. Young men wear jeans and t-shirts or soccer jerseys, but youll also see men wearing nice pants and shoes. Women generally wear very feminine clothing. To fit in with your surroundings, avoid wearing grubby jeans, sweatshirts, and sneakers.

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