Question: How does type 1 diabetes affect personal relationships?

Share on Pinterest Diabetes can put a strain on relationships. The mood swings and emotional demands of diabetes can affect relationships. Having a chronic disease can both increase the need for emotional support and increase the potential for frustration and tension. This can lead to conflict in relationships.

How does type 1 diabetes affect a persons lifestyle?

Diabetes dramatically increases your risk of various cardiovascular problems, including coronary artery disease with chest pain (angina), heart attack, stroke, narrowing of the arteries (atherosclerosis) and high blood pressure. Nerve damage (neuropathy).

Can type 1 diabetes change your personality?

You may think diabetes just affects your pancreas, but living with this condition often affects your mood and mental health too. For one, you may experience mood swings when your blood glucose levels are too high or low. Stress, depression, and anxiety can also crop up.

How can I be a good partner with type 1 diabetes?

If your partner has diabetes, the following positive actions can be helpful:Take an interest in your partners diabetes – but let him/her be in control.Suggest ideas.Allow your partner time for managing diabetes.Be prepared for mood changes.Discuss any problems with your sex life.Discuss your feelings.

Does diabetes make you crazy?

For some people, the stress of living with diabetes can contribute to both changes in mood and concerns about potential complications. The physical effects of diabetes may also lead to nervousness, anxiety, and confusion.

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